Monday 11 April 2022

English Man Does Ramadan - A Magical Ritual And Was Questioned By Djinn


 Ramadan April 2022

I've wondered for sometime how Muslims manage to fast a whole month. The media certainly makes it sound impossible and a bad idea and even manipulate the descriptions of what Ramadan is about. They give the impression it is a whole month of fasting, with nothing to eat. Muslims do not fast the entire month, they fast from dawn to just before dusk for a month, in relationship to the moon. At night they can eat to their hearts desire. What they are actually doing is intermittent fasting. Which recently in the medical field has taken off by storm. 

I was so surprised to learn about Intermittent fasting from medical doctors online, who talk about how it affects hormones, brain chemistry and of course Insulin. Only recently has the medical field brought this to light, I did wonder whether this was some trick by them to get people to under eat to a point in which they become malnourished and the powers that be often talk about population reduction. I wouldn't be surprised if this is somewhat their plan, as they always work in half-truths. However, Ramadan is not about starving the body, as it is short lived, it is about controlling one's impulses and improving their health. 

It was the above video that really convinced me I were on the right path. Together with an experience I had 7 years ago. I got a tummy bug and couldn't eat for 4 days, what I noticed during that time was increased mental abilities, clear of brain fog, and a feeling of goodness. The digestive system began working better. So, having that experience, as bad as it were, helped me to try out fasting. I wasn't disappointed.  

The next thing to do was to test Ramadan. The ultimate M

Oddities - People In Shops, Cars and Random Situations

I was getting a Taxi to go to a friends about 10 miles down the road and the driver suddenly, for no apparent reason asked me 'Are you a Muslim?' 

It were such a strange thing to ask as I'm a white European and so was he and it almost seemed like something had taken over his body to ask that question. It didn't appear to be in joke form or mockery, just a question of 'what spirituality are you'. The fact that he would assume I were any spirituality or religion when I haven't been asked that question for decades alerted my intuition. I didn't answer as I'm not sure what I am, and Islam does appeal to me somewhat due to a lot of the synchroniticies are pointing towards it at present. 

A few days later, a random stranger asked me again. 'You're not a Muslim are you...' when I were talking to a shopkeeper about sports. Noting the negative question form and the fact this was another soul asking more or less exactly the same question made me wonder why people were asking me this question at all. I wasn't going to be drawn into lying as I'm on a spiritual journey and hence vulnerable to doubts, but am I a Muslim? I believe their god is real, however, I don't think all their teachings are the creator's words. The problem I have is the word, the classification. Making it impossible for me to answer the question, so I smiled and lifted my shoulders and carried on talking to the shopkeeper.

11 April, walking past a group of lads.  'Hey mate, you're not a Muslim are you?' Now I was intrigued. 2 is a coincidence, 3 is a crowd. Later I told a friend this online by the name of Rose Green. And it suddenly dawned on me what could be going on. 

Ramadan is a spiritual journey, it is a magical ritual. The largest and one of the oldest on the planet. Performed by a billions of people. The people who asked me this neither knew my name or the fact I were fasting. What they did pick up on was something within me or surrounding me that was unseen. In other words, I think they were briefly taken over by Djinn to ask that question. 

Why Would Djinn Ask A White Man If  he is 'Not' A Muslim?

Djinn can see what you can't see. What if doing Ramadan alters a person's aura to a point in which it is too strong for them to move through it. What if the magical Ritual was working and affecting dark forces around me? Hence they may be wondering why the Aura is so similar to Muslims at present that hence the question needs to be asked. Plus if one laughs and goes 'no no no, I'm not spiritual, I believe in nothing...' the aura may suddenly weaken. Remember this is a magical ritual, you have to be careful what words and spells you speak.

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