Sunday 8 October 2017

How to get rid of Negative Energy and Entities Through Art and Dolls

Have you ever noticed how hotels, especially ones with long history can have an eerie, almost supernatural energy to them? Recently, I had the pleasure of listening to a video that Thomas Sheridan filmed on the subject, talking about how hotels can store the negative (as well as positive) psyche of 10,000s of hotel guest and then create some form of consciousness from this.

In 2016 I stayed in a hotel in Amsterdam, with my parents and younger brother. I noticed how certain parts of the hotel, especially the upper levels, had a negative charge to them. Almost a lonely pathological being that felt like it were on the blink of turning vicious but too depressed to even notice me. What was even stranger is the cafe below, the energy was relaxing, the staff were all polite and the food they made was some of the best I've ever tasted. It is weird how two parts of the hotel had drastically different feels to them. But, it is the people who psychically charge places not interior.

My Great Grandfather Worked in A Hotel In America

Going back almost 100 years ago. He told my grandfather about his experiences there but my granddad couldn't remember the name of it when I asked him about it. It were knocked down sometime in the 40s or 60s. It was known among hotel owners the power of art, especially paintings, entities seemed to like to posses paintings (as well as dolls) that almost looked human but weren't. 

In his day, they used to pay artist to create a spooky looking man/woman's faces, with bright colours and eyes that followed you. So that the entity would be attracted to it and possess it. If the colours were too neutral it wouldn't work. They then place it in the negative field areas of the hotel where bad things have happened. In time, it began to feel like something had possessed the paintings/dolls.

Some hotels have weird dolls on display...there is no reason to have these creepy fuckers there but one, they absorb negativity.

If dolls do get possessed then it is quite common just to have them removed and burnt, hence removing both it and all its negativity charge from the building. 

Artist trapping entities in paintings and dolls has been somewhat common in hotels for the 90s The Ghostbusters' film hit upon the idea.

Ghostbusters 2: An entity possesses a painting. The team realise they have to fire at the painting to kill the negativity

Owners would then take the painting down and burn it, killing the negative energy that had stored there over the years (even after just weeks in hauntings). Sometimes hotels destroy paintings in a matter of days due to it freaking out hotel guests - meaning, it worked. Usually hotel guest would find dolls strange but also comical, in a creepy way. 

Then they would replace the doll or painting with one of comical significance of those days. The atmosphere of the hotel was then restored and the energy balance shifted from negative to neutral, and then to positive. This is why ancient hotels do not necessarily carry lots of negative energy baggage - in fact, they carry charm. Despite what has gone on in there.

Just like with hotels, Ghostbusters hit upon the symbolic comical painting to repulse the entity or any others from coming back


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